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//-->DAVID FOSTER WALLACEEverythingand MoreA Compact History ofooATLAS BOOKSW.W. NORTONaCOMPANYNEW YORK • LONDONCopyright© 2003 by David Foster WallaceAll rights reservedPrinted in the United States of AmericaFirst EditionFor information about permission to reproduce selections from thisbook, write to Permissions, W. W. Norton&Company, Inc.,500Fifth Avenue, New York,NY10110Manufacturing by the Haddon Craftsmen, Inc.Production manager: Julia DruskinLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataWallace, David Foster.Everything and more : a compact history of infinityIDavid FosterWallace.-lst ed.p. cm. - (Great discoveries)Includes bibliographical references.ISBN0-393-00338-81.Infinite-History.I.Title.II.Series.QA9.W335 20035 l l.3--dc2l2003011415W.W. Norton&Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue,New York, N.Y. 10110www.wwnorton.comW.W. Norton&Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street,London WIT 3QT1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0For my mother and fatherSmall But Necessary ForewordUnfortunately this is a Foreword you actually have toread-and first-in order to understand certainstructural idiosyncrasies and bits of what almostlook like code in the main text. Of the latter the most fre-quent is a boldface 'IYI'. This, be apprised, is not a tic or typobut instead stands for the clauseIf you're interested,whichwas getting used over and over so many times in early draftsthat what eventually happened is that through sheer repeti-tion it evolved from a natural-language phrase for introduc-ing some clause into an abstract extratextual sign-M-thatnow serves to classify certain chunks of text in a particularway. Which waywillnow be justified and explained.Like the other booklets in this 'Great Discoveries' series,Everything and Moreis a piece of pop technical writing.Its subject is a set of mathematical achievements that areextremely abstract and technical, but also extremely pro-found and interesting, and beautiful. The aim is to discussthese achievements in such a way that they're vivid and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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